
Bestival – Isle of Wight

So another Bestival has drawn to a close and the team are very close to putting their feet up for a few weeks deserved rest!

Here are some pics from Bestival 2014!


The largest crystal ball ever???

The largest crystal ball ever???

This is the creative Wonderland bar serving ice cold Tuborg and Somersby!

This is the creative Wonderland bar serving ice cold Tuborg and Somersby!

This is where the team got some much needed rest! p.s. yes that is flash covering his modesty under that towel!!

This is where the team got some much needed rest! p.s. yes that is Flash covering his modesty under that towel!!

A typical Bestival bar design!

A typical Bestival bar design!

Main stage being put through its paces on the opening evening!

Main stage being put through its paces on the opening evening!

Reece letting the team down….again!

Here is our captain getting a little excited about cleaning his beloved MDU!

Here is our captain getting a little excited about cleaning his beloved MDU!

V Festival Stafford

Here are some pictures from the Voodoo crew at V Festival, Stafford – including a Gorilla made from 40,000 spoons?!

Carling Local was a very popular place both Saturday & Sunday!

Carling Local was a very popular place on both Saturday & Sunday!

Justin Timberlake on the mainstage

Justin Timberlake on the mainstage

V Festival Stratford greenery

V Festival Stafford greenery

Perfectly poured pints!

Perfectly poured pints!

A very busy lively Carling Local!!

A very lively Carling Local!!


Longitude Festival – Dublin

Longitude Festival - Sponsored by Heineken

Longitude Festival – Sponsored by Heineken


Longitude festival was a smaller, more intimate boutique festival compared to the scale of T in the Park  but that doesn’t mean an easy ride for the Voodoo team!

And so it proved.

Bars being set up - lot of work still to do!

Bars being set up – lot of work still to do!

This time the team was led by senior wizard, Dan, who with his small team of 3 was up against it from day 1.   When the team arrived on site the Voodoo truck was waiting to be unloaded which meant they could get stuck straight in to the instal and get ahead of schedule, all was progressing well until there was 2 additional bars added to the mandate and the team had to work through the night to get the job done.

Keep calm, Voodoo have arrived!

Keep calm, Voodoo have arrived!

Its very rare that there is such a significant change in plan at such a late stage of production but the team took it on the chin and delivered as always.

Dan and flash oversaw the planning of the bars and made suggestions to the festival managers on how to make the bars more economical and efficient thus selling more beer and significantly reducing waste. Having worked in the industry for so long, offering such wizardry comes natural to each member of the Voodoo team as its in everyones interest to keep the beer flowing and maximising profit for all parties concerned.

Dan & Flash overseeing the plan

Dan & Flash overseeing the plan


All in all the festival was a triumph with Massive attack headlining the final night, the team worked through the night again to pack up and get rolling!


Next up – Secret Garden Party!


T in the Park 2014

T in the Park 2014 - Sponsored by Tennants

T in the Park 2014 – Sponsored by Tennants

T in the park is one of the biggest jobs on our calendar and usually brings with it a whole host of varied challenges, that’s what makes it one of the most exciting jobs that we do.

This year was no exception.

With T being spread across such a vast area including 5 different bar locations the main challenges for the voodoo team was getting the right equipment to the right bars and sterilised in time for when the beer arrives the day before the gates open.

The team this year was lead by wizard in chief, Reece, who oversaw the planning and logistical challenges that faced the team through a challenging 4 day set up. The team itself was a carefully selected blend of experience and enthusiasm that included voodoo veteran Dan, experienced technicians flash and cupcake along with newcomer Ross, who is still learning the ropes.

The set up itself was not without it’s difficulties. At such a large festival, there are a multitude of different teams all working to different priorities and timescales, without clear communication and the respect that the Voodoo team has earned over the last 20 years, the job could have been made a lot harder.

Thirsty Scots!

Thirsty Scots!

The team had initially lost a day due to the beer tents not being ready, when this happens there is little that the team can do to prepare the instal other than work on other areas that are not being held up. It’s easy to lose focus when these things happens but the team remained calm and Reece found other areas that the team could make up ground on, thus reducing the lost time as much as possible.

Over the course of the next 3 days it was BAU for the team as the instal and sterilisation went according to plan.  All 5 bars were installed, sterilised and ready for beer.

We work hard throughout the winter months to ensure all of our equipment is working to its maximum output thus reducing the chance of any technical faults during the shows.  T was no exception and passed without any issues whatsoever.

All in all T in the Park was an excellent 3 days, Arctic Monkeys closed the festival on Sunday evening to rapturous applause while the team worked through the night to get ready for the next show!

Next stop, Dublin!